Picking date outfits can be challenging whether it's your first or last! It can be exciting or nerve racking... So today we will discuss how to determine what to wear on your first date with that prince charming of yours or with your pristine princess... To be confident with your style, you need to pick the right outfit. It doesn't matter if you are going to get married or not but please make a good impression with your dressing.
Variety is the spice of life, personally for me, I love shoes ...So if really want to impress me you have to invest a little in that thing you hide your feet in. Lol😉
Your outfit should be flattering and comfortable. If you lay your hands on such an outfit then it's perfect for the date. Also, the venue for the date decides what you put on. For example,it might look weird if you wear a dinner gown to a casual date.
Men will vary on their opinion as to what to wear on a first date, but most men agree that they like it when you keep it simple!.
Picking date outfits can be challenging whether it's your first or last! It can be exciting or nerve racking... So today we will discuss how to determine what to wear on your first date with that prince charming of yours or with your pristine princess... To be confident with your style, you need to pick the right outfit. It doesn't matter if you are going to get married or not but please make a good impression with your dressing.
Variety is the spice of life, personally for me, I love shoes ...So if really want to impress me you have to invest a little in that thing you hide your feet in. Lol😉
Your outfit should be flattering and comfortable. If you lay your hands on such an outfit then it's perfect for the date. Also, the venue for the date decides what you put on. For example,it might look weird if you wear a dinner gown to a casual date.
Men will vary on their opinion as to what to wear on a first date, but most men agree that they like it when you keep it simple!.
- - You can wear a pair of silky blouse with a mid- length skirt, and add personality with accessories...
- - Ladies when in doubt choose red. Red is hot! It's an all-eyes-on-me color. If you are the type that shy away from colors, try using a red lipstick instead for the same effect.

- -Wear your dress with a killer heels but mind you ... comfortable heels. It's embarrassing to fall just because your shoes aren't comfortable.
- - Be careful with the makeup. Don't experiment a beauty trend you haven't tried before. Stick to what suits you
- - Try on your outfit the night before: There's nothing worse than imagining what you are going to wear in your head only to end up disappointed when standing in front of the mirror. And your date is only a stone throw away. Chai! It's painful. So save yourself that last minute stress by wearing your outfit a night before to see how well it fits. If you aren't sure, holla at your friend for help.
For guys; if you are taking a lady to a good restaurant for dinner, you can wear a classic suit. Then pick a light- coloured shirt and classic shoes. Spice it up with accessories such as a tie, cufflinks and a wrist watch. Nevertheless, put on something that is tested and trusted. If you have not worn a business classic suit before don't try it on your first date. Believe me some ladies are good at telling if a man is used to wearing an outfit or not. Your first date is not a field of experiment...
If you want to look unique for your next romantic or anniversary date . Ruthex Fashion World got you covered.
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Hmmm very catchy !