A lot of questions have been asked as far as the eyeliner is concerned. How do I put on eyeliner? How do I stop my eyeliner from smudging under my eyes? Should I use a liquid or gel liner? The list goes on ...
Well truth be told a single eyeliner can give a number of different looks when applied properly there by creating the G in "glamorous". Unfortunately, that glamorous look you crave for might just be an imagination if you don't observe the do's and don'ts of eyeliner application.
Read on for the biggest mistake you're probably making and how to get it corrected.
- Avoid lining your whole eye
Eyeliner defines the shape of the eye, and how well defined the eye is depend on the thickness of the lines you draw. Caution should be taken when you apply eyeliner to your lower lash line because your face may look droopy or sad if the liner is too dark or heavy . So instead of applying t eyeliner on both upper and lower lids, concentrate on the outer part of the upper lash line and do the waterline of the outer part of your lower lash line to give a natural look.
- Don't use the wrong eyeliner formula
If you are a novice at this, it's best you use a waterproof pencil liner . Liquid and gel liners are great but you might have to blend to make mistakes less noticeable. If you are a pro liquid or gel liners is an option for you, if not stick to your pencil liner.
- Stop closing your eyes
Most people close their eyes when drawing a "cat eye" and this could result to uneven wings. So ladies... keep your eyes open to see where the crease at the corner of the eye falls.
We hope you find this helpful.
Which of these eyeliner mistakes are you guilty of? How do you achieve perfect eyeliner?
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